Not only occupied the throne, King Li even desperate to marry his brother's wife Empress Wan. Now the only thing left is to get rid of Crown Prince Wu Luan who disappeared into the land of nowhere to join a group that showcase music and dance.
Wu Luan himself went not without reason, she secretly desires to save his stepmother Queen Wan who was with her age. You can imagine what happens when the heavily armed troops stormed the royal residence of the prince and his group are not armed.
Lucky to finally evade Wu Luan go directly to the court to resolve the vengeance.There, she met with Queen Wan, who had been trying to escape, and the ladies in the Qing Nu, the woman who secretly love and be loved by the prince as well as conspiring to get rid of King Li.
The climax occurs when the king invited Queen Wan Li to attend the banquet that was held in a spectacular. At the ceremony, Prince Wu Luan, disguised as a dancer held a musical performance that essentially tells the story of betrayal by his uncle.
But without knowing it, his stepmother apparently had other plans that put poison into the drinks are poured for the King. Again, things happen that are not suspected. Who will survive and who will die?
For those connoisseurs of literary work, The Banquet surely reminiscent of a masterpiece, composed in the 15th century: Hamlet. It's not wrong, because this story is a free adaptation of William Shakespeare.
Online on Indosiar Television : 18-Jan-2011 22:00 WIB
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