Debby Ayu who plays Tera involved in a group of teenagers who discover ancient Javanese Book of fibers. At that time there is a shower scene, then suddenly Debby saw a strange figure, "said Debby, when found okezone.com on location in the area of Bekasi, on Tuesday (11/30/2010).
Because of fear, direct Debby ran. And Debby Ayu at that time was in a state with no clothes. Undress in a movie that worked Ki Kusumo it, Debby was a particular challenge. Brave semi porn film director in Hong Kong A Liung Wong, the film star was admitted implant Pocong get high pay. However, the 22-year-old artist did not want to act just for the sake of big salaries.
"It just happened to be the pay is higher than the movie I was before. But that does not mean I want to act just for the sake of high pay. I'm acting because I love acting," said Debby Ayu
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