Tatiana and her son ... Merry, lived in a refugee camp with hundreds of thousands of other refugees. Among Abubakar, an Arab descent who has been handed down life and living in East Timor
Tatiana emergency teaching school in the camp. Merry also attended Carlo places with a boy is very mischievous and likes to disturb Merry, was due to Carlo'd love to have a sister and family feel the love again
Life is very severe in a camp in the middle of pengugsian and uncertainty of the existence of his son, did not make Tatiana became weak. Merry will be her sister's longing and suffering so deeply from the mother ... make Merry, daughter of an intelligent and daring.
One day an officer of volunteers, Tatiana was informed that there is a possibility he could meet with her son
Can Tatiana met his son? Can Merry come together with his brother Mauro? Watch the movie! "TANAH AIR BETA"
Ari Sihasale
Alenia Pictures
LSF Rating:
All ages (general)
Cast & Crew
Alexandra Gottardo
Dahlan Asrul
Patricia Griffit
Judea Rumbindi
Lukman Sardi
Ari Sihasale
Robby Tumewu
Thessa Kaunang
Ari Sihasale
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