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Film Glitch

On 26 Decembers 2004, happen various time confusion at various. Hemisphere. Andi and Teten in holiday programme, on the way they go home to Cibubur. A moment, after pass by a thin mist, they are suddenly see colossal clock Bukittinggi the distance more 1008 km from Jakarta. They are in down town Bukittinggi while a moment ago they still at Cibubur.

Various strange insident after event makes this student universities is mist underlayer faces situation that likely not real this. physical exhaustion and way of thinking makes andi, student University Nayoga University Japanese ask aid Prof. David lemon expert in quantum physic research Nagoya for them try to break mysterious that befall andi and the friends.

One matter whom they know they say in away back ancestor time or their ancestor likes guardian songo, has miracle can go to other place or they have a" vortek or time road" can they pass. estimate teten that tickle, Andi unconvinced in mystical with maiden spirit. very help prof. david theory screen that estimated with time relativity einstein inil.

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